
Close Quarters

2018 production by Stockroom and Sheffield Theatres. Directed by Kate Wasserberg.

Bradley Banton. Photo: Mark Douet. Below: Chloe-Ann Tylor


“…If Bowen’s subject matter is specific, her scope is broad. The issues at the core of the work explore not only what it is to be female but also the ways in which individual and group identities are constructed, threatened, maintained, how they can be challenged and reconstructed….Bowen’s intelligent, dramatic script is dynamically delivered by a crack theatre squad: set it in your sights….”

The Guardian ****

“…Bowen is skilled at cramming information into her dialogue…She swiftly sketches in the weight of expectation, as well as the high injury rate among women in the infantry and what it might mean for their bodies in the long run. The writing is ribald and often very funny…The play is at its strongest…when Bowen focuses on the banter and bravado, the camaraderie and unexpected intimacy, opening a window into the world of these women...”

The Stage ***

Selected by The Observer as one of their top ten theatre productions of the year 2018. Read here.

The Guardian interviewed Kate and Director Kate Wasserberg during rehearsals. Read here.

Socials responses. Read here: go to page and click on Reviews and Buzz.


2023 production by Play, Pie and Pint, co-presented with the Traverse Theatre. Directed by Lu Kemp.

Maureen Carr. Photo: Tommy Ga-Ken Wan. Below: Maureen Beattie.


“…Bowen's script is twisty and shocking but peppered with humour and wit…The casting is a real treat…two iconic Maureen's with Beattie and Carr - both powerhouse performers; Betty Valencia is excellent as Tanya….a funny and fresh piece of new writing.


Broadway World ****

“…emotionally savage and devastating… the stellar presence of Maureen Carr and Maureen Beattle…a memorably messy and baffling show…”

The Scotsman ***

“…This is first-rate stuff: a beautifully distilled character study, with a slice of social commentary on the side….a pure delight…”



The Glasgow Times interviewed Maureen Beattie during rehearsals. Read here.

